Thursday, July 2, 2009

WebQuest Complete on to Wiki and Website

I'm looking ahead to next week...realizing with the holiday weekend I'm going to start the week behind but that's OK-with some late nights I can catch up.
There is a lot of information we were given today-moodle,wiki, and don't forget about the podcast and instructional website.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed I'm thinking this class in 16 weeks would have been better than 8 weeks but no turning back now!
I need to research some programs for the website. I see most people are using dreamweaver but I already had a free trial and don't want to spend the money on the program.
Maybe I can download the free trial on a different computer?
Let me know if anyone has some ideas or sites they are using.

1 comment:

denisewahoff said...


I feel the same way too. I am very overwhelmed and feel like I am chasing my tail. I can not get my thoughts straight. I have decided to concentrate on the website design and also on the class wiki and start there. I am very happy to have completed the Webquest and can not wait to see my grade.

I think that you have a good idea for your website. I am doing something similar. I am concentrating on just one social network, Ning.

Good luck and I am sure that we will look back when this class is over with a HUGE sigh of relief!!
